In the health care field, we have been moving away from'disabled people' toward'people with disabilities', because the former makes it look that the disability is fundamental to Animal Crossing Bells the person, whereas the latter puts the individual first, and the handicap is just something that they happen to have.
Edit: Hmm upon additional study, I have found that this is actually a point of contention, and the usage of'disabled people' has been pushed in part because of the thought that the planet is the one that's not equipped adequately to include them, and thus they are'handicapped' from the world. However it appears there's a fantastic amount support for both sides, so it's been fascinating to hear your perspectives. Some guidelines call for authors to ask the individual being referred to (if a particular individual is being called ) exactly what their preference is, just due to these disagreements. Some other endeavors include avoiding the usage of the word'normal' (for example using words like'typical' instead), not sure what you think of this?
Asking the specific individual what their favorite term is really is the thing to do, and taking a survey of handicapped people to see exactly what the majority preferred term is when you have to use it generally (everything I have seen does indicate it leans towards disability first, but on reflection I acknowledge, that may just be the taste of these busy online for buy Animal Crossing Items whatever reason), which explains why a questionnaire are the way to go, definitely not labels indicated by any non disabled person, however far phycological experience they could have.